Sell Like a Feminist

Sales Course

🔥 Get Sold Out Without Feeling Gross 🔥

90% of the way we've ALL been taught to sell is pushy, manipulative, and toxic.

But selling is non-negotiable if you want a kick ass online biz.

It doesn't matter what you’re selling — 1-on-1 offers, groups, courses, done-for-you services — you have to know how to sell (and feel GOOD about doing it) to have a thriving biz.

If you don’t know how to sell — or you just don't do it because it feels gross — you’re gonna struggle to grow a sustainable business.

Especially in difficult economic times and when you're selling something new.

For real though, it doesn't have to be that way.

From my years of experience as a business coach, I know that selling can be done in a way that feels empowering, chill, and like an effortless "f yeah" for both sides.

I hear you Thinking though...

"Selling is a necessary evil, I don't wanna force people to buy, or being pushy or manipulative."


Selling is SERVING folks and helping them get what they already want. It’s mastering a skillset that speaks to your reader's needs/desires, sees them as a full and capable human, gives them the agency to decide, and leaves them feeling more empowered whether they buy or not.

"I need a website, some ads, a complicated funnel, and a sales team to scale, right? "


Nope. In fact, if you don't know how to sell, none of those things will help you. No amount of ad spend will compensate for not knowing how to sell.

"But my audience is crickets, I'll just keep throwing spaghetti and hoping eventually something works.


Hope is not a business strategy. But learning how to sell means knowing how to help people go from crickets to raving fans and creates consistent income and impact for you.

I’ve spent the last few years mastering the art & skill of selling and I’ve built this course to give you everything I know about selling online.


I've been in sales since I was a teenager.

I know how to sell damn near anything — from t-shirts, radio ads, and cars to my own g-string covered booty.

I’ll teach you how to master sales so it feels easy, collaborative, and FUN and will blow your conversion rates through the roof.

No matter the offer, price, or service-based industry.

We’ve all tried sales scripts and tactics that felt pushy, gross, and awkward.

You’ve tried winging it and hoping they buy too, only to let them go at any hint of an objection cause you don't wanna replicate toxic BS. I get it.

Truth is...there's a place in the middle that feels incredible for everyone involved.

How would it feel if you finally figured out how to sell in a way that feels AMAZING for you?


Welcome to Sell Like a Feminist

A 10 lesson course on everything you need to sell and convert in a (non-sleazy) FUN way!

Learn how I’ve made over $1 million in cash and helped my clients do the same with integrity - in a way that feels like a HELL YES for you and your potential clients too!

Where selling becomes the BEST part of your day.

Wait...what does selling like a feminist even mean?

I'm so glad you asked!

It's asking for consent at every step of the selling process, creating the safety for them to buy, and getting on the same side of the table as your potential clients to help them get when they want.

It’s selling without pushing, pressuring, or using toxic tactics that make people (and you) feel icky.

It's helping people get what they already want, serving without graspy energy for a sale, seeing folks as a full and capable human, giving them the agency to decide, and leaving them feeling more empowered whether they buy or not.

So you feel like a baddie no matter what you’re selling and every sale feels like a win/win for you both.

All in a chill conversational way.

I bet right now it doesn’t feel that way.

You've been taught to twist the knife on pain points, create false scarcity and urgency, to guilt and convince people and make them feel like their life is over if they don't buy TODAY.

Which honestly, just calls in clients who are needy, freaked out, and won't get the best results from working with you, tbh.

That's not your fault (and also F THAT SO HARD).

You can actually sell MORE successfully without any of those things.

Even the most successful online biz folks you follow don’t always know how to sell consistently without desperation or toxic tactics (hi, it's not just you).

But they're often frantically throwing new offers together, feeling desperate to hit their goals, and selling by the seat of their pants.

I've done it and I know it feels like ass.

When you don't know how to sell, your next social post, sales call, and launch will feel anxiety-ridden and there will be a LOT riding on everything you do, cause it has to work NOW so you can pay your bills.

You'll constantly baby-sit posts, check email open rates, clicks, likes, and comments, and bite your fingernails off until you get the fresh dopamine hit of a sale.

When you feel frantic and desperate, selling feels awful for you AND them.

Selling is so much easier when you know how to sell effectively and you don't "NEED" anything from your audience.

When you know that you're enough, feel sufficient with what you have today, and you have your sales skills in your back pocket, selling magic happens.

More clients. More money. More chill.

How'd you feel if you knew how to sell out your offers, no matter the price?

Real talk: Do you know how to sell out your highest ticket service today?

What if you doubled the clients enrolled?

What if that answer was a "F YEAH" for you?

To say that with confidence, you need your own sales process that feels AMAZING to you.

Not having that on lock is hella stressful no matter how much you've made.

So here's what's up.

You need to master TWO things to confidently say "YES, I can sell out at double the price or double the people!"

The skill of selling.

And the way you think about selling.

How'd you feel if you knew how to sell out your offers no matter the price?

Listen, selling is a skillset you can learn.

No one’s born knowing how to do it.

It takes time, a little patience, and a willingness to try some things just outside your comfort zone, but you can learn it and…it can be fun too (I know I know, but hear me out...).

I know you’re thinking….I’ve sold to everyone in my audience who’s ever gonna buy, none of my offers ever sell out, and don’t wanna feel pushy or make them do anything.

Boo, I made this exactly for you.

I’ve spent the last few years mastering the art & skill of selling and I’ve built this 10 module course to give you everything I know about selling online.

I've made it super simple for you to learn and apply.

You don't have to push, convince, manipulate, demean, or bullshit anyone.

You don’t need funnels, ads, sales pages, or a team either

I see lots of folks waste their time, $, energy on those things without mastering the skill of selling FIRST (me included at first!).

I wanna help you avoid that mistake - especially in a recession.

Whether you’re learning to sell for the first time or you're killing it and want to raise your conversion rates or prices, figure out how to sell on social media, sell thru video, finally sell out your group or course, or sell thru DMs - this is for you!

Selling to me is basic, tried and true principles + a dash of feminist values so we're respecting and empowering clients to make the best decisions for the future they want.

I'll teach you the skills + the mindset to help you sell with integrity, gain consent at every stage, and give folks full agency to decide for themselves.

10 modules to learn the skills and master sales with training and worksheets, DM and sales scripts to make your own, and plenty of actionable strategy.

6 WEEKS of coaching through the discomfort when you get stuck making offers or feeling graspy or “need” a sale, holding your hand as you try new things like asking for higher prices, and find the way to sell that feels good for you.

6 WEEKS of me celebrating your every win, teaching you everything I know, and setting your biz up for a sustainable successful future.



10 Sales Lessons

I’m covering everything you need from lead generation, creating relationships, converting in the DMs, running sales calls with ease, handling objections, writing copy, calls-to-action that convert, plus the empowering mindset you need - all in one place.

This training is the culmination of years of reading, learning, and applying. It's unlike anything I’ve seen out there.


6 Weeks of Coaching & Q&A PLUS all Replays

Whether you can't figure out what's not working, want to talk out strategy, or want coaching on mindset issues, I'll be right there to help you out.

Ask me anything. I'm an open book and I want you to be WILDLY successful, so I'mma share everything with you.


Practice Session Replays

Bi-weekly sessions where you can roleplay, try sh*t out, and get really good at these skills. 

Embrace the suck and let it feel awkward, cause this is where you’ll build your confidence, find your way that feels right for YOU, and work through any mindset bs your brain is gonna serve up. I promise to make it fun, light hearted, and as chill as possible.


FB Support Community

A supportive, rad place to ask questions between calls, get feedback, find a practice buddy, and celebrate when the sales roll in and you set yourself up for a sustainable future!

The communities I create are often one of the BEST parts of working with me. You'll find your new biz friends and have collaborators cheering you on for life.

What happens when you know how to sell your offers WELL every day?

Your revenue goes up, so much more is possible for your family, and you have more to give to your community and the causes you care about!


Will this course take you to your next income level? Absof*inglutely.

Will I challenge your mindset and help you try new things (until you hate me a lil bit) but then the sales start rolling in? 1000%

(honestly if you don't say "f you, but you right" sometimes to your coach is it even coaching? LOL)

But...if you finally learned how to sell in a way that feels AMAZING every damn day, how would your business change?

If you never had to worry if you’re gonna sell out an offer, would it be worth it?

Cause I want you feeling confident, chill, and in love with selling.

True story - selling can be the BEST part of your day.

That might sound crazy right now, but it's true for me and my clients.

Here's how I've made sure that can happen for you:

This training is the culmination of years of reading, learning, and applying and the lessons are unlike anything I’ve seen out there.

I’m covering everything you need from lead generation, creating relationships, converting in the DMs, running simple sales calls, handling objections, writing copy, calls-to-action that convert, plus the empowering selling mindset you need - all in one place.

Then there’s the weekly group coaching, Q&A, and call replays with me - whether you can't figure out what's not working, want to talk out strategy, or want coaching on sales & money mindset issues, I've coached on everything to help you out.

You get 10 modules of learning and coaching to absorb - I want you to be WILDLY successful so I'm holding nothing back so you can get your coin and make the difference you're here for.

I'm NOT teaching you paint-by-number sales scripts, complicated funnels, boring ass spreadsheet formulas, or any of that shit. If that's what you're looking for, you won't find it here.

This is simple tried and true sales principles that work + experimenting to find the ways YOU like to sell aligned with your values that makes you and your peeps feel amazing (whether they buy or not…but they will more often for sure!) 

Plus your FB community to ask questions, get feedback, find a practice buddy, and celebrate your many wins!



The Skills to Sell Any Offer & Price

Learn how to sell to your best fit people, and put that process on repeat to make it easier for yourself. Master the simple sales concepts & practices that change your biz trajectory and bottom line when when implemented. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out or scaling to millions. This is about mastering the art of selling at every level.

Confidence Through the Process

Feel confident, chill, and in love with selling cause you know how and why your best fit peeps buy; how to speak to them so they feel heard, seen, and understood; and how to sell in a way that's a win/win for you both.

Clients, Offers, & Bank

Once you've got selling on lock, everything else becomes so much more possible. Hiring a bigger team, adding more offers & clients (aka scaling gets fun and easy!), taking that luxury trip you’ve been putting off, adding a housekeeper or chef, giving back generously to the causes you care about and your community too.

WITHOUT Ads, a sales team, Or Complicated Funnels...


No Wasting Time....


No Wasting Money....


No Wasting Energy...

I wanna help you avoid that mistake - especially in a recession.

Only 12% of women entrepreneurs ever make over $100k in revenue yearly.

Yeah, there’s a lot culturally going on there - women get fewer loans, less venture capitalist money, less support from family and friends, often taking care of the kids and burning out - but there’s also a massive fear of selling and feeling gross about it .

I’m here to change that.

I’m so tired of seeing women undersell, underserve, and under earn and get the short end of the money stick in the business world.

It’s so unnecessary and heartbreaking, tbh.

You can change that RIGHT NOW.

I’m here to help you get over the fear of selling, playing small in your biz, and under cutting yourself.

To grow an unf*withable biz, you gotta be clear and confident in your selling without using douchey tactics.

Good news: You don’t have to keep learning from the toxic dude bros out there teaching manipulative sales tactics. You don’t have to keep following the flowy, ethereal ultra femme sales queens who make it vague & confusing. No more bingeing TikTok'ers and piecing together strategy.

Come learn the skills and mindset to sell in the most in-service, empowering, fun way.

No more pressured sales. No convincing required. No gross-feeling tactics.

Consensual, mutual, fun, and simple sales strategy.

So, hey.

Stop everything else you’re doing - just for a sec - and learn how to sell.

It’s like adding rocket fuel to everything else you do in your business.

All your copywriting, TikToks & Reels, emails, and launches become 1000% more effective (yes, it's a number lol) when you’ve nailed this skill.

Because you’ll know how to position your offers, how your customer thinks, and how to speak to their problems and dreams to help them say YES to what they want.

Without being manipulative, pushy, gross, or needing anything from them.

And you’ll be way more chill with those who haven’t bought yet ‘cause you’ll know how to give massive value & create the relationship that helps them become customers and raving fans.

No complicated funnels or tech, no overwhelming spreadsheets, no icky sales scripts.

Just simple, do-able, fun selling that feels good for everybody involved.


No complicated funnels or tech, no overwhelming spreadsheets, no icky sales scripts. Just simple, do-able, fun selling that feels good for everybody involved.


No more pressured sales. No convincing. No gross-feeling tactics.




6 Weeks of Coaching Calls

10 Module Course with Lifetime Access

($2000 Value)

10 Group Coaching Replays

($5000 Value)

5 Practice Call Replays
($1500 Value)
50 Writing Prompts, Hooks, & CTAs
+ 10 Email Templates

TOTAL VALUE = $8,500




Who’s this course for?

You want more clients and sales with ease.

You want to serve more people, and have it feel good for you and them.

You’re sick of gross sales tactics and you’re ready to feel empowered as a seller and empower your buyers to decide with their dreams in mind.

You’re done hoping people reach out & not making as many offers as you could, while everyone else is making bank.

You’ve learned some selling skills but haven’t mastered selling out your offers consistently.

You’ve got kickass services and clients and want to tweak to sell in a way that feels even better, find YOUR way so you make hundreds of thousands in your biz and always know how to sell out anything.

This is for all online service providers - coaches, therapists, healers, web designers, copywriters, VAs, social media managers, and done-for-you services.

Whether you’re just starting out or scaling to multiple 6 & 7 figures, this is for you.

Who's it NOT for?

If you’re looking for word-for-word sales scripts, complicated funnels, sales page copy edits, or manipulative bro selling strategies, this ain’t the thing for you.

How's this all work?

This course is a mix of self-paced videos and worksheets to help you get results quickly + your FB community to ask questions & brag on your wins with your new biz friends!

How long is the program?

You'll have lifetime access to all the lessons, workbooks, Facebook group, and recorded Zoom calls.

Is this inclusive & safe for BIWOC & transwomen?

To the best of my ability - I’m a cis, het, white girl raised with a fair amount of privilege. I continue to do my work around anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion (including Advanced Certification in Feminist Coaching with Kara Loewentheil) and believe in my ability to be intersectional in all my coaching, yet I’m not perfect and totally own that I have my own unconscious filters, biases, and blind spots, so sometimes I’m gonna f things up. But I own when I make mistakes and I welcome conversation and repair in a way that honors you and your experience. My intention is to create safe spaces for the growth all women and I’m always working on getting better at that.

I'm in but I feel a little hesitant. How do I know if it’s the right program for me?

I hear you on making this decision. The best thing you can do is watch the replay of the Selling training I did for March Business Madness. If you love it, this program is your next step!

What if I change my mind?

There are no refunds, boo. But I’mma show up and give you everything I know in service to your dream business no matter what.

Can I get 1:1 Coaching in this program?

Yes! People have asked, so now you can purchase a six session package of 1:1 Coaching sessions.

Can you guarantee me some specific results?

Nope. I guarantee I’m going to give you everything I can to ensure you’re successful and I 1000% believe in YOU and my ability to help you. Yet our goals will depend on the goals you set for yourself and will vary for each client. My clients who get the best results show up, do the work, try shit, and share their struggles and wins so you can see what’s possible for you too. Your results may vary and depend on you doing the work.

Got questions?

Email me at

want more reasons to join?

Here’s What Clients Are Saying About My Programs:

“I went from having $4-5k months to $10k and over $20k months…numbers I didn’t think were possible…you can’t help but borrow Melanie’s belief in yourself until you believe in yourself too..”

Sarah H. - Health Coach

“I was making money but it felt hustley and I didn’t feel in control… Now I’m continuously creating $12k-15k months…and now I know how to create that over and over…everything in my business feels a lot more fun. Your business will thank you.”

Kat R. - Health Coach

“I SOLD A VIP DAY THIS MORNING to a dream client...despite all my fears & reservations!”

Whitney F. - Copywriter

Learn how to sell & feel good doing it. Don't wait. Your clients need you right now.




6 Weeks of Coaching Calls

10 Module Course with Lifetime Access

($2000 Value)

10 Group Coaching Replays

($5000 Value)

5 Practice Call Replays
($1500 Value)
50 Writing Prompts, Hooks, & CTAs
+ 10 Email Templates

TOTAL VALUE = $8,500




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